The story: Soon after I moved to Midway some mutual friends told me their best friend had recently lost his wife and they thought we would be a great couple. They continued to mention him over the next three years with little interest on either of our parts. On the Fourth of July 2003 Tom Whitaker (the matchmaker) met me at the town breakfast and asked if David had ever called me. Apparently some major pressure was put into place. When I got home that evening there was a call saying he promised Tom he would call. Our first date was the next night to the Oakley Rodeo..with fireworks. It seemed we were both ready, the timing was right and we knew right away things were good. Our 5 1/2 years together have been such a blessing to me. He is kind, easy going, witty and emotionally and spiritually strong...and handsome.

We're so glad you and David found each other... He's a great addition to the family!